Monday 22 March 2010

part 12

On Saturday Marcia surprises me with brunch at the local country club. "How on earth did you get us approved for membership so fast?" I ask unable to keep the awe out of my voice.
"I have my ways. My ways may involve being vouched for by the Mayor. We're still pending board approval though."
"And how did that feel whoring yourself based on a job you've only had for a week?" Not really caring since the food is delicious.
"Not as good as the real life whoring you did on our front step last night" she segues smoothly.
"You saw that?" I keep my voice bright but a hint of shame involuntarily creeps in.
"Yes I saw that. Is that shame in your eyes little sister? Why on earth would you be ashamed of scoring a hottie your very first week at school. He seems lovely" She isn't getting a response from me as I am intently studying my menu.
"Is this about Jase?"she continues unperturbed. I involuntarily respond to his name "Aaah so why did you accept a date from Brett then?" I decide to engage in the conversation I am in desperate need of guidance.
"Because Jase didn't ask and Brett did but I have a feeling that they don't dispose of eachother as casually as we did at our incestous boarding school and I think that by dating his friend I am totally burning any and all potential bridges for me and Jase."
"After one date?" Marcia asks sceptically.
"You should have seen how he reacted when he heard I was going on the date. You know how in those American shows they are always staring soulfully at something. I think that brooding shit might actually be rooted in a bizarre truth about Americans."
"You are exaggerating. People were always casualties of you and Siobhan's reckless ways at school. You guys were just too callous to notice and assumed everyone was as bizarrely cynical about sex as you were. I think you may be" she punctuates the end of her statement with a theatrical gasp "maturing".
I pour some more maple syrup on my stack of pancakes before cutting into them and chewing contemplatively.
"Well at least your whoring granted us access to amazing pancakes. Thank you." I say. The rest of brunch passes with Marcia regaling me with tales of the politics at the Mayor's office. Jase is on my mind as we drive home. Maybe it has something to do with my parents. Maybe now that I know what real pain is I wouldn't want to inflict it on anyone. Maybe I'm just growing up but the most terrifying maybe is that maybe I just don't want to hurt Jase. Maybe he is a person I care about too much to to do something to screw it all up. Ironically this makes me want to date Brett just set the whole fucking thing on fire because I don't know if I want anyone to have that power over me. recognize this as the most cowardly option but I am resolved to do this when the phone buzzes with a text from Jase asking if I want to hang out. I text back that I should be home in a little bit and I can pick him up in 15 minutes. We can go exploring. I brush aside the ridiculousness of my resolve being weakened by a text message.
A little while later I am standing inside Jase's kitchen chatting with his Mum while she unpacks some kitchen stuff. I am telling Tina about my first week of school and enjoying myself but soon Jase starts taps his folded up cane impatiently against the door frame reminding me who I came to pick up.
"Hate to break up this love fest Mum but we have plans" he says.
"We do?" I ask.
"We do" he insists following my voice and tentatively reaching toward me. When he finds me he grabs my arm and leads me toward the door.
"Why couldn't we stay?" I ask as we head to the car, "You know as well as I do that we have absolutely no plans."
"I need your help with something" he declares once we are in the car. He has a large rucksack with him that has piqued my interest considerably.
"What's up?" I prompt.
"I thought we could go skateboarding. You could teach me how we could use the school parking lot. It's should be empty on a Saturday. I have my brother's boards in the bag. Say yes. Please?" he is flushed with excitement.
"Of course. It sounds like fun. Why all the secrecy though?" I ask as I pull the car out of the driveway.
"Are you kidding my mother may actually give birth to an actual barn animal if she finds out that I've been skateboarding. She won't let me ride a bike. She barely lets me use scissors." he scoffs.
"Um maybe if your Mum doesn't want you doing it. We shouldn't do it. You could get hu.."
"I'm going to stop you right there and remind you that I already have one suffocating Mother. Nothing bad will happen. I brought helmets and you claim to be a great skate boarder so you should be able to show me some moves, right?" he interrupts.
I roll my eyes instantly regretting bragging about my skating skills.
"Fine. Let's do it but if your Mum breaks up with me I will be very annoyed with you" I know when I am fighting a losing battle and I do love skateboarding. Jase smiles cockily. He reaches out to the dashboard grazing over the dials lightly before locating the volume knob and turning the volume up. My stomach sinks involuntarily watching him take so much care to do something so little there is such a sad grace in the way his fingers read the world. Terrified that he might sense my pity I over compensate by singing along to the radio to my surprise he joins me and we perform a unique rendition of Ironic by Alanis Morissette.
"I found a nineties station and was taking a little walk down memory lane" I explain once the song is over.
"Have I said how much I love that you are a car singer?" there is a catch in his voice when he says the word love that makes me unsure of how to respond. The silence hangs heavy between us for a beat before he clears his throat and asks "How was your date?"
"It was fine. Good." Before I can control it an uncomfortable flush is rising up my face. I shift nervously in my seat and open the window relishing the chill in the air on my face.
"Just fine?" He asks. He coughs in an attempt to feign nonchalance but I heard the unmistakable tenor of hope in his voice. I find myself wishing Jase wasn't such an open book and it dawns on me that he may actually be inscrutible to everyone but me. It probably goes both ways. I decide to be honest.
"Yes. Just fine. It was a good date and I like Brett but um....."
"But what?" he asks his voice is searching it is doing whatever the vocal equivalent of squinting is. I have no idea how to respond.
I begin haltingly peering intently at the fence of the school we are now parked in. "Before I would have gone out with Brett a few more times, fooled around with him, refused to define it and we would have drifted on to other people or I would have bolted when he started to have real feelings. Feelings beyond just hanging out and having fun. I hate the bullshit of high school relationships- when people infer all this meaning on to relationship that they must know isn't real. I guess I'm not built to be in a relationship that works because both people desperately want to see certain things in the other person. To be in love with love. I believe in love but I think its so much rarer and harder than anyone wants to accept and I know that the effort involved means finding the right person to love, who makes love worth it...... Anyway now it's like I can't just have fun with Brett and it might have to do with my parents or it might have to do with you but I can't. And I have no idea where that leaves me."
"I guess" He replies and I put my hand over his mouth "You don't have to say anything. We don't have to talk about it" I insist. He removes my hand from his mouth with exaggerated care letting it rest in his lap covered in his. His fingers are warm, slightly freckled, long and strong. I know it is a bad sign when you drink in details about a boy like this. I tune in to what he is saying.
"Kinda fucked?It leaves you knowing with the right person the work and the risk is worth it."
"Are you sure I'm not just looking for people to see me and really know me who I can know to act as some sort of ineffective buffer against oblivion?My nuclear family was recently halved." I say it darkly but add a bleak unconvincing chuckle at the end so he can laugh it off as a joke if he wants to.
"Maybe but to wanting to know and to be known pretty much sums up everything right? You're a bit raw but who isn't once you scratch the surface?"
I imagine Siobhan miming hanging herself if she had to listen to this. I decide to bring some levity to the situation. "And when did you get so wise?" I ask laughingly.
"I um had cancer, lost my sight and dealt with all that stuff at all before I got my first armpit hair. Somewhere in between all that the wisdom magic happened. I have a theory that it is connected to all the hospital jello I ate "
"What colour jello?" I ask teasingly.
"Umm.. red. It was definitely red. Now we came here to teach me to skate remember?" I laugh and open the door. As I move over to the passenger side I notice Jase groping around the back seat looking for the back pack. I am just about to offer to help when he finds it smiling triumphantly and hands it to me as he gets out of the car and opens up his cane. I allow him to find my elbow and lead him to the centre of the parking lot. I wordlessly unpack the backpack handing him a helmet and quickly doing a few loops on one of the boards just to get reacquainted. I stare at Jase as I skate around trying to decide how to tackle this.
"Aisha?" I can tell trying to follow my position as I spin around him is confusing so I stop.
"I'm just trying to figure out how to do this. Let's try this here" I place the other skateboard near him and situate his lead foot on the front of the board. I assume since he is right handed that he is right footed.
"Okay so you want to stay balanced on the deck and push off with your other foot. Coasting is pretty easy. Do you want to try?" I ask. "I'll.. uh.. hold your hand while you do just until you get your balance" I reassure him.
"Okey dokey" He giggles nervously before pushing off slightly. I do a funny little side jog beside him to keep up.
"Okay just push off until you gain some momentum and then let the pushing foot rest on the board behind you" he does this.
"Wow. Good job. You're doing it." He has a death grip on my hands so we circle the lot a couple of time with me holding his hand and jogging alongside him. I can sense he is gaining confidence so I suggest he goes alone and I will shout out obstacles. He nods and I let him go. He pushes off confidently and coasts on his own for an impressive a hundred metres in a straight line. I jog up to him and he turns excitedly "Did you see that?" he asks reaching out to find me. I move into where his hand is and he scoops me up in a bear hug. "I saw. Really good. Do you want to try turning and stopping?" He nods excitedly stooping down searching for his skateboard.
"You might want to keep that in your hands when you stop. I see incredible potential for a cartoon fall" I pick up the board and hand it to him and he nods his thanks. We practice turning and stopping. Jase is intensely focused on the task at hand but my mind keeps drifting to the way his neck tenses when he pushes off. I am shifting his hips into position when I am suddenly hyper aware of his firm torso beneath my fingers I turn and look into his eyes carefully noting for the first time that his pupils are dilated strangely and that it adds to the vagueness of his gaze. Still his eyes are so clear it seems odd that they serve no purpose.
"Aisha" I am startled by his voice as it jolts me from my reverie " I can feel you staring" he states smilingly.
"That's because I am staring. As a good looking person that's just your burden to bear isn't it? Now go again. This time faster." I encourage. He pushes off hard but loses balance and lands heavily on his forearms cursing loudly. I run to his side.
"Are you okay?" I ask as I kneel on the ashphalt examining his scraped arms. There are little pebbles of gravel embedded in the bloody bits. "Ouch this looks like it hurts" I exclaim as I blow gently on his arms.
"It's not so bad. That feels good. More please." He shuts his eyes and demands petulantly. His voice is gruff.I acquiesce blowing gently over the scrapped area for a few moments before dissolving into laughter.
"What?" As he asks his hands find me in the darkness and rest gently on the sides of my face.
I scold myself for how much I enjoy his hands on my cheeks. I feel myself flush at his touch.
"I was just thinking that I never saw my first blow job going like this" I mutter ashamed at breaking a lovely moment with a crude thought. His eyes widen with adorable shock at my words before giggling. He is still giggling as I help him to his feet pick up the skateboard and dust off his jeans. "I think we have done enough skateboarding today. You sacrificed your first piece of skin to the tarmac and I am freaking starving." I say as I lead him toward the car.
"How about I buy you some late lunch as a thank you for the amazing lesson?" He asks as we buckle up into the car.
"Sure, as long as we stop at my house first and put some antiseptic on your graze. My breathe doesn't kill as many germs as I would like it to."
"Sure" he presses on his grazes examining them with his fingertips. He has a strange half smile on his face as he does. "Why are you smiling? Doesn't that kill?" I ask. He seems startled at my question. Sometimes he gets so lost in what he is doing he doesn't realise that anyone is watching. He hesitates before answering "Actually this is the first time I've really hurt myself in ages. In a normal way, I mean, not walking down stairs or like slipping or tripping over something. I know how lame it sounds- I've been so sheltered."
"You shouldn't complain.For the most part it sounds like they managed to pull off every parent's dream. They kept you safe. You're lucky."
"I'm stifled."

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Part 11

Some things will never change. Like me standing in front of a closet pre date wrapped in a towel trying to figure out what to wear. Standing in front of Marcia's closet to be specific honouring the age old tradition of little sisters pilfering clothes from their older siblings. I look at Marcia's perfectly colour coordinated wardrobe and decide against it. All her clothes are way too sophisticated and I have a feeling Brett might be more of a bowling or gaming arcade type of guy. I glance down at my watch and realise I only have 10 minutes before he comes by to pick me up. I shouldn't have gotten caught up in skype-ing my friend Siobhan. I miss her and although we stayed online for ages we may as well have been communicating from different universes. Our only common point of reference is a world I want to forget and my new world may be too foreign for Siobhan to relate to. Maybe if she comes to visit she will understand that I need space to come out of this however I come out of it. I don't need a hundred pairs of eyes trying to watch me back into the mould of the old me. Siobhan would piss herself laughing if she could hear my thoughts I think as I pull on my dress. She doesn't believe in self contemplation or self actualization and rolled her eyes through every metaphysical conversation we ever had at school. She said that people waste too much time worrying about being true to themselves "You are yourself you are being you I really don't understand how so many clever fucking people got caught up in such a ridiculous debate. You are what you do. Simple." She declared in the dining hall one night and to prove her point she grabbed Kristen her roommate who was sitting next to her and planted a kiss right on her she laughingly pulled a strand of her long blonde hair out of Kristen's lips which were slackly parted with shock "Kristen you wouldn't be upset if you weren't so invested in seeing yourself as straight. I on the other hand have it all figured out." She raised her glass in a toast and I clinked it with her noting her glassy green eyes and knowing that her glass was full of vodka and that she was the only one in school with the guts to drink so brazenly. I got caught up in more than a few of Siobhan's schemes and she got caught up in mine. The memory makes me decide to take a page out of her book. Tonight I am nobody other than a girl going out with a cute guy at her new school. I slick on some lip balm and am trying to decide on whether or not to wear a headband when the bell rings. I hear Brett's deep male voice laughing at something Marcia said. I slip on the headband, some patent flats and grab a cardigan and my purse as I head out of my room. I take a deep breathe to steady myself as I head down the stairs. I am just a girl going on a date with a cute guy at her new school. The problem with Siobhan's philosophy is that the past matters and ignoring it, living in the moment makes no difference. The past shapes the moment and it isn't long before my illusion shatters.
It was all fine at miniature golf. We joked easily with each other and giggled at Brett's horrible golf puns. He talked about himself mostly and a huge part of Brett's existence is sports related. I listened as he regaled me with stories about his sporting achievements, parties and team mates and I smiled and joked and laughed where it was appropriate. It was so easy that when he took my hand at the end of the game as we walked to the car I let him. We drove to the Italian restaurant where Marcia and I had our awful back to school dinner and that set me on edge but I composed myself- plastering on my smile and working upwards inch by inch trying to make it reach my eyes.
"So.. um.. How did you end up in Colorado?" Brett asks as we look at our menus.
"My parents died so my sister and I moved over here from London" I mumble into the menu too tired to think of a better answer.
"I know. I mean, I'm sorry but Eli kind of already told me and I just kind of wanted to give you an opening. To rip off the band aid and tell me. I am so sorry about your parents"
"It's okay" I close my eyes and count to five attempting to calm down.
"Do you mind me asking what happened?" he ventures.
"Yes. I mind. I'm sorry can we talk about something else? I can't handle this."
"Sure. Um Do you like twilight?" he asks handing over a crumpled handkerchief "My mum makes me carry them. It's not that dirty." I realise that there are tears streaming down my face.
"I uh.. like the sparkly vampire thing?" I have to smile as I wipe the tears off my face.
"That's what I thought at first until I realised that girls eat that stuff up and as a guy interested in teenage girls I needed to research and figure out why they like glittery bloodsuckers"
"And what did you deduce?"
He stares at me blankly.
"It means figure out. What did you figure?" I smile.
"That ah basically what your standard awkward average looking girl wants is for a perfect man to love her and only her forever. So I decided that twihards were a section of the girl population I would steer clear of" He notices my blank expression and clarifies "Twihards is like twilight die hards".
"Probably a safe call especially since 13 year olds like that book. Full disclosure I think the werewolf in the films is well fit"
"I like your accent" He smiles and easily reaches for my hand across the table. I like how confident Brett is it takes real self assurance not to be freaked out by my inappropriate display of emotions. The rest of the evening is awkward but a normal first date kind of awkward and we make it through. I comment on this as he walks me to my front door.
"I had fun. I mean even with the tears you are an amazing date." And he gives me the kind of look that cannot be misinterpreted. The kind of look that is equal parts searching, yearning and because it is Brett an undertone of cocky certainty. If we kiss it would be responding to this look and confirming all the things that it wants confirmed. The date was fun I like Brett and to be honest I have kissed boys with a lot less provocation but I am conflicted. Jase flashes into my mind unbidden and that seals it for me. I smile and lean in and Brett and I kiss. It's a nice kiss.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Part 10

The next day after school Jase and I are playing thumb wars by the car as we wait for Hannah to finish returning a book to the library. We are also discussing our Math homework. Jase is frustrated because the teacher hasn't gotten the hang of explaining his working out loud so Jase can follow without seeing the whiteboard. I am frustrated because Math is my worst subject. There is a chill in the air that signals the end of warm weather and I reach in my bag for a scarf. As I am putting it on I note the look of intense concentration on Jase's face. Was he sniffing me? I shake my head slightly and decide to let it go.
"What's up?" Jase asks and again I marvel at how he picks up on the slightest thing.
"I think I might be getting one of those filter things the ones that stop you saying every little thing that pops up in your brain" I reply.
"You are so weird" he laughs. Hannah walks up to the car her eyes are bright and I catch myself sizing up her reaction to Jase. She seems naturally curious but not interested. I catch myself on this dangerous line of thought before pulling myself back. Jase isn't mine, more generally people cannot belong to other people and Hannah can be interested in whoever she wants.
"Shall we?" I ask unlocking the car. We drive to Jase's house companionably. He is meeting the guys at the cafe so I don't feel bad about not inviting him. My circle of friends is shaping up to be quite the sausage fest so I appreciate the opportunity to have some girl time.
I unlock the door and kick of my shoes dropping my keys in the key bowl and invite Hannah in. "Wow" she comments, her eyes wide "this is a really nice house, it's just you and your sister here?".
"Thanks. Yup it's just us- do you want a tour?" She nods and I quickly show her around the house. We settle into our homework around the kitchen table. Half an hour later our homework has been abandoned in favour of idle gossip and snacking on mini brownies and tea. Hannah is hilarious and I am cracking up as she tells me about her date to the winter formal at her last school.
"I swear to sweet heaven he smelled like Doritos, desperation and old spice! I promised myself then that I was done with boys. College will be better- college men will be fascinated by my intellect and unconventional beauty" she declares dramatically. I gasp trying to catch my breathe as I double up with the giggles, sadly nothing brings straight girls together like boy talk- we had covered school, books, tv and music boys were the final step. Hannah obviously doesn't realise that there is no convention- not really. Life isn't television it is more accommodating and there is room for her. She was beautiful in such an amazing refreshing real way. I scrutinise her as she sips her tea her hand hovering over the plate as she decides whether or not to indulge in another brownie. Her cheeks are flushed pink and her eyes are bright.
"So what about you?" She asks mock coyly arching her brow.
"What about me?" I reply innocently.
"Oh come on- you've been in school three days and everyone is already buzzing about the new hot English girl" she taunts. I laugh but I am just about to tell her about Jase and Brett when Marcia walks in with holding a pizza box.
"I broke down and rented a car- so wrong but I didn't want to have to wait for you to pick me up. Forgive me planet earth." She looks up and realises the presence of a stranger in her kitchen.
"Marcia this is my new friend Hannah" I introduce them. I can tell Hannah is in awe of my gorgeous sister and Marcia is pretty used to this reaction and immediately begins trying to put her at ease.
"Hi new friend Hannah" she says warmly crossing the kitchen to shake her hand "We're having pizza and glee night- would you like to stay for dinner? Salami and olives and a nice bottle of white."
Hannah's eyes widen. "I don't.. I mean.. I'm not allowed to um.."
"For me of course" My sister hastily clarifies "Not the whole bottle. Not in one sitting"
"Liar" I joke.
"Shut up. Ignore my sister. I wasn't trying to peer pressure you Hannah. Please stay?" she smiles at Hannah and elbows me in the ribs playfully.
"That would be great. I'll go call my Aunt and ask her. Excuse me." Hannah pulls out her cell phone and leaves the room.
The rest of the night passes easily. Hannah, Marcia and I chat and sing along with glee. Marcia and I have always shared friends so it feels very comfortable to be sitting with her and Hannah. Later on I drive Hannah home and she confesses that she used to be really close to Amy, the girl who showed us around on the first day, but Amy has been having a hard time. She doesn't offer the details and I don't push. I feel she is my friend already but I also know most people take longer to decide these things. I can tell she is a hidden gem of a person, the embodiment of the saying about still waters. I am always filling in every awkward silence. I can feel myself trying to hard to shape situations into what I want them to be. I get quieter around people I am comfortable with and Hannah seems to get more talkative. I can tell she feels comfortable around me. We sit in the car and she shares pieces of herself in the dark and I accept them letting the situation be exactly what it is.
The next morning I wake up groggy and exhausted. I had to stay up finishing the homework I didn't do while I was chatting with Hannah making it the second night in a row that I did not get in a full nights sleep. I do not do well with any kind of deprivation especially sleep. I stumble through my morning routine meeting Marcia in the kitchen for breakfast where I nod sleepily as we eat our porridge with blueberries together. There is a definite chill descending and I idly wonder just how cold Everwood gets. I give Marcia a kiss on the cheek goodbye and get into the car and back out first. At Jase's house I consider hooting but decide that would be too rude. I sigh as I haul myself out of the car and knock on the door.
"Hey sweetie" Tina greets me cheerily pulling me in for a hug "Jase is running a little behind today. You look exhausted- come in" In a flurry of Mum efficiency Tina has a portable mug of coffee in my hand and is inviting Marcia and I to dinner on Saturday night. Jase stumbles down the stairs bleary eyed grunting good morning to his mother. "You are in big trouble mister- wake up means wake up. We'll talk about this more when you get home." She hands him his breakfast and our lunch and we are headed to school in no time.
"Brett told me he asked you out. And that you said yes" Jase launches head first into it as soon as we are in the car, his tone is accusing.
"And.." I ask tiredly.
"I thought you liked me!" He exclaims. It would be amusing if I wasn't so infuriating.
"And.." I intone coldly.
"Aisha. C'mon. What happened to always being honest with eachother?" We stop briefly at a red light and I rest my head on the steering wheel rubbing the bridge of my nose.
"I don't know what you want me to be honest about. I hear accusation in your voice but no questions." The car stalls as the light turns green and I swear under my breathe.
"How could you say yes to a date with Brett and like me at the same time?" He exaggerates the question mark. I can tell he is furious. I don't care.
"You don't want to date me. Brett does. People in high school date casually all the time. We are so far from being "exclusive" that you kind of have no right to ask. I don't need your permission"
"I just think you shouldn't lead Brett on.." I can tell he has decided to change tact.
"So this is out of concern for Brett is it? Because I am obviously so in love with you that I couldn't possibly be interested in him? Newsflash- I am 16 years old and I met you last week. Somehow I have been able to withstand your amazingly sexual aura and my overwhelming attraction to you and my willingness to re enact Romeo and Juliet for you. Do you really think you are that amazing?" My voice is dripping with sarcasm and I can tell that we are both going way too far with this but there isn't any turning back, I've already lost my temper. Couldn't he have started this fight when I had gotten more sleep?
"Don't be a bitch" he exclaims.
"Well then you don't be an ass!" I exclaim "I'm going to date- I'm attractive, fun and I have an accent. Shockingly enough you are not the first guy to notice me you condescending tool!"
"I was just hoping that.." He trails off. His voice has softened considerably and as furious as I am I am also grateful. I am never the first one to back down from confrontation.
"You were hoping that we could circle each other pining like characters on Dawson's Creek? We agreed to be friends. I date and any friend I had would have to be cool with that and not act like a possessive idiot. I am not okay with that." My words are harsh but the fight and bile are gone from my voice. There is a long silence as he contemplates my words.
"I was hoping you did it to make me jealous" he mutters.
"I don't play games Jase" I say softly. He smiles and I notice that he had moved to the furthest corner of the car and hunched his shoulder defensively during our fight. He opens his body up again and reaches for my hand. "I know. I'm sorry I got so mad. This friend thing may be tougher than I thought."
"You called me a bitch. That is an awful thing to say." I grumble unwilling to let it go until he apologizes for everything. I keep my hand away from his.
"I am sorry. God, I must seem like such a dick to you. I was just sitting across the table from Brett talking about how excited he was about your date. I was more upset with myself.. it doesn't matter though. I am sorry. Forgive me?" He stretches his hand further finding mine. His voice is so sincere.
I squeeze his hand shaking my head and declare "Douchebaggery forgiven but you may have to treat to hot chocolate after school to sweeten me up again". He nods in agreement and the faint sound of the bell makes us both jump out of the car. I rush over to his side and lead him to our first class quickly. We barely make it. As I take my seat in class I realise that all traces of my fury are gone along with my sleepiness. I pull out my notebook and focus on school.
At the end of a long day I am in a surprisingly good mood. Brett, Jase, Eli and Hannah and I sat together at lunch and it wasn't awkward even between Brett and Jase- even after Brett confirms our date in front of everyone (typical boys they must have plead bros before hos to smooth over that tricky patch). Eli and I played together in our music class and the teacher asked us to play at the school recital. I am even fairly sure I did really well on the pop quiz in Math. Jase is still complaining about it as we walk to the car.
"Uuurgh" he moans.
"Use your words" I tease.
He has a point though apparently the teacher read out the questions to him too fast and didn't give him enough time to work them out in between forgetting that he couldn't simply refer back to his working.
"I can't believe he had the nerve to complain about my handwriting. Honestly, I had no idea how to respond to that. I mean the last time I saw my handwriting I was 8 seriously it stopped evolving at that point" He isn't genuinely annoyed any more but exaggerating for comic effect. At Nina's we drink our hot chocolate at chat about anything and everything for hours with all traces of the morning's hostilities evaporated. I am in the middle of explaining my theory about ugg boots when he shakes his head and laughs a little to himself.
"What?" I ask reaching for another french fry from our shared plate. Americans really have greasy food perfected in my humble opinion.
"Well this morning I was furious with you and we got into a huge argument and now we are sitting here and talking. Don't you feel we have always been here in this town in this cafe eating fries and talking? I know how that sounds. My Dad says I talk like I'm summarising my life he says just live it. He blames it on twitter and facebook. Which he calls twatter and myface. My Dad is this mans man, like my brother, not big on words and communication" I laugh at this.
"So you're closer to your Mum then?" I ask.
"Yeah I mean she is borderline smothering but she's great. And I didn't mean to be so harsh about my Dad. It's hard for him to have a son who relies so much on words but he loves me so he tries" Jase blushes when he says this.
"My Dad used to call going clubbing going to the discotheque. Every time; not disco but discotheque." I contribute. Jase laughs. "He was always such a dork when he was with us. He would talk to me like I was fascinating. Really listen. He used to try so hard to stay involved in our lives. Every recital, every debate, every stupid game he would drive up to see us at school. My friends loved him."
A heavy silence falls. I clear my throat "I'm sorry" and I am for making things awkward but in that moment I realize that I can't just not talk about them. They were my parents and if anyone is going to know me I have to share them.
"Don't apologize. I can't imagine how hard this all is for you. I um I won't always know what to say but you can always tell me stuff. I'll always listen" he does his adorable half smile and squeezes my hand under the table. As awful as the thing that brought me here was and as much as I miss my parents and my old life with them in this moment the weight isn't unbearable. It feels right just like Jase says it feels like it has always been.